Friday, January 11, 2019

Be It Unto Me According To Thy Word

As I studied the January 6-13 Come Unto Me- Individual and Family study guide I came to a paragraph about two miracles, one of a barren woman, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist,  and the other, a virgin, Mary, mother of Jesus. They both had an angel come and tell of a journey they were about to embark on. Complete miracles for each one and for us, one son would provide a saving ordinance, the other to be our Savior.

I started wondering if I had to wear their shoes how would I react. Both had to hold their heads high as some in the world would judge them. Their world crashing down around as they hear the whispers of; poor Joseph espoused to Mary and her being with child, or I can’t believe Elizabeth is having a child at her age. 
Whispers are cowardly and cruel but what really hurts is what we can say face to face with each other.

As I ponder on these thoughts it came to me that I too had been warned in a dream of a hardship that would be in my future. I was eight when I had a dream that a witch would stand between me and a place I love. A piece of land that is my inheritance. The dream conveyed to how I would freely walk on that land then suddenly one day out of no where there would be an obstacle very overpowering, compelling, and scary that I could no longer go there. 
I still can feel the fear to this day that I felt in my dream. When I recall the dream I don’t see me as third person, or watching it happen again, I feel it. All the emotions that were in the dream. I felt scared, deep dispair, no hope. But my desire to return to what I knew brought an anxiousness but not an anxiety. 

In my great desire to go beyond the fence that divided me and the land I would repeatedly approach the gate only to have the witch fly toward me or jump out from a hiding place. I would walk back to where I felt safe. I would contemplate giving up. I would wait a time and try again. It felt like forever before it was impressed upon my mind that the witch is not a physical being. That it can’t touch me, hurt me. I gained confidence and walked through the gate and right towards her. As I got close she disappeared.

In my dream I feared the witch. That was my only emotion. I imagine that both Mary and Elizabeth felt fear, like all first time mothers do. The unknown can frighten anyone. The unchartered course where no matter what, this baby is coming. No changing your mind or your path. 
My pup was having her first litter and I was sitting with her as I saw the signs of impending birth. She paced and then came and sat by me as I rubbed her belly. Then up and paced again. Suddenly like a shot had rung out she jumped up on my bed. I slowly stood and with a calm voice told her “No, you can’t have them there.” As she jumped down I saw the first one crowning. I helped her remain still. After that first one was delivered I moved the pup into the dark of the closet and there she remained as the others came. I saw her fear but she calmed as instinct took over.

I feared until assurance kicked in, in my dream. In real life not so much. Luke tells us Mary was troubled in seeing the angel. The angel said to her “Fear not.” After the angel explained the reason for the visit she said “Be it unto me according unto thy word.” 
No wonder she was chosen. She had a great trust and love in her a God. 
As I read that I decided to make a list in my morning study note book. I had two columns, one I labeled Unbecoming the other Becoming. Thinking my emotions had plenty of times not been very becoming of me. But as I accepted, studied, looked and found the hand of the Lord in my trials I was becaming. Became who I was born to be.  Not there, but becoming.

My “un” list side reads like a horror script. The words I chose to describe my emotions and ugly desires. But my “be” list side reads like I imagine Mary’s journaling might have read as she endured. Suffice it to say of how long or how bad my un list was the the first word listed on my be side washed it all clean. My first word was and is, forgiveness. That word is always hungry. Practically starving these days. Either from us not asking for it or extending it. I have other words listed but to look back at my list and find that is the first one to come to me, makes me think I really am Becoming.

My dream sustains me. My faith is at times is on crutches. The right crutch of hope, the left, Tom. My desire to do right guides me. My Lord loves me. My gospel is my foundation. And my heritage is worth fighting for.

Mary calls herself a handmaiden, I could never be as bold to call myself that, but my patriarchal blessing does. It is truly time for me to Become. 

Elizabeth and Mary’s stories are in Luke 1. Who is Luke? I found an article in the New Era that introduced the Four writers of the New Testament. Luke came after Christ mission and life on this earth. His stories are taken from eyewitnesses. His account from these two women don’t come from catching bits and pieces from others. They come from talking to the women themselves. What a wonderful experience he had. Talking to those that personally endured. That witnessed. That became. What a gift he has given us.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Betty’s Lawyer

The hand of the Lord is a mysterious thing to behold. His timing is only understandable many miles down the road when you can turn and look back to see from whence you came, to see the broad expanse that it covers.

One morning in February of ’16 we received a call that our Holstein heifer was in St. Johns. That is forty miles from where she is pastured by road. Around twenty miles as the crow flies, barring the fences don't stop her.

Oh we knew she was missing. This was the third time her and her herd mates had been pushed through the gates onto the neighboring ranch. The first time we were called we were able to find their tracks walking the fence line on the way to water. The tracks stopped at a gate that had not been used for years with truck tracks stopping there also. At the gate all tracks ceased on our side but cattle tracks only continued on the wrong side.

By the third time they were missing we called the neighboring rancher but he hadn't come across them. They were finally reported five miles away. Three watering holes and four fences away. All were accounted for except the two Holsteins, a heifer and a steer. The cattle were headed toward Springerville not St. Johns.

Weeks later we receive a call from a rancher in St. Johns. Seems he found a Holstein heifer on his ranch. He runs cattle on the far side of our neighboring rancher. He said he had had her a couple of weeks trying to get some healthy fat back on her. He doesn't winter over there but he had gone to check on his place and came across the poor thing. The cattle inspector gave him our number from her brand.

We were so happy to have our Betty back. We brought her to the valley to help with her recovery. She put her weight back on and was still her sweet loving self.

 Oh I got to mention here the second time they were missing the small herd had walked to the neighbors head quarters to find water. He didn't bother to bring them in. Just figured we would gather them and push them back. We drove to his ranch to see where they were and he pointed and said “They were just on top of that ridge, must just be on the other side.” I called out loudly “Betty” about two or three times. Within a minute she was peeking over the top of the ridge and soon was running down it towards me. 
Between him and his hired hands I don't know who had the most shocked face.

Skip to 2017, we bought Betty a farm. She had a baby and gave us milk. 2018 another calf and more milk. 

But the story doesn't end there, this is not the happy ever after. There is more. It is almost time to tun around and see the whole picture. The Lords blessing and experience His timing.

The farm has water rights. Those water rights are always being challenged by others down river. Who if, I might add don't use the water, they sell it off to large cities. But that is another drum to beat another day. Our son wanting to protect our water rights and also being hired as the ditch boss goes to a meeting of Greenlee and Hildago counties Gila River water users meeting. They have brought in a lawyer, number one in the state of Arizona on water rights to give a brief lecture and answer questions. He is from Apache County. St. Johns as a matter of fact.

My son after it was over told him in a private conversation that we have land in Apache County and foresee in the future that we will be fighting over water rights. 
He gave our son his number and told him I don't want a retainer fee until the need arises but call my office and leave a list of names so incase I get a call from them I can say I am already retained by you.

Is it not a miracle, a man could rescue my Betty and he have a talent that one day could rescue me. Blessed is the name of our Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Good Bye Old Year

What an amazing year. If I had to sum up my whole year in one little phrase, for me, it would be: I never saw it coming.

My boys, my three sons, side by side working, branding and tagging cattle. Over the years some had helped joyfully, some mournfully. After our pot boiled over I thought we would not mend. We each did in our way, changed also. Nothing short of a miracle.

A Judge in Navajo County ruling on my Apache County case to dismiss or send it down to Pinal County to combine with another case in Pinal County only to have a
Maricopa Judge rule that my case can stay in Pinal County along with the other case but are to remain separate. Confusing, but a true blessing.

To hear my baby cry at the sound of my voice. Brought an immeasurable amount of pain knowing we are so far apart. But yet, she reached out for what she need. Proud of her strength while she endures life’s hard trials. Heart wrenching but warming.

Tom after all these years finally was able to perform a full frontal assault Christmas surprise on me. I didn’t believe he really didn’t get me anything. But when two days pass and still nothing. He got me. I was fighting my emotions, trying to remind myself it is the giving that counts. Wrapped up and shocked.

Number fifteen grand baby. Such joy to have a little caboose. Icing on the cake of a year. Fifteen in just under twelve years. 

Three grown men hid under their lawyers desk. On a telephonic court hearing where all parties, be it the Judge, Plaintiff, and defendant were all miles from each other, those men choose not to be named at the hearing. Hiding from truth as usual. But the court had to list them on the minutes following the hearing. To have “cowboys” afraid to cowboy up did me great good.

Apache County postponed the trespassing case against us until a higher court rules on my name being fraudulently removed from inherited leases. A much needed God send.

The State of Arizona Land Dept. pressed charges against us for our cattle grazing beyond our borders. It was ruled and settled with prejudice. A disclaimer was attached that when we return with other cattle to make sure we keep them in.  The State saw the harassment and ruled in a proper manner.

We received a notice that our lawyers needed to withdraw from being our Council due to a conflict. It is nothing more than a delay tactic from the other side. Not wanting to delay the trial and with my case taking a slight turn, my Lawyers found the number one lawyer in the state of Arizona on Estate and Probate to represent me. I didn’t know it could get any better.

Another of many delay tactics, they tried to get my case dismissed on grounds that I did not list all that was involved. I left the State Land and BLM off my paperwork. Both parties had previous paperwork stating once the courts ruled on this matter they will abide by the ruling. It was proven they acknowledged the proceedings and want no part of the family fight. The Judge saw through the smoke and mirrors.

The Judge that ruled I owe the Nicolls for “things I stole” and they owe me on the buy out of the LLC, found it still was not resolved, he was upset. I had paid my part but yet they hadn’t even done anything toward their half. The scales of justice are leaning my way.

I took the challenge proposed by the Prophet to read the Book Of Mormon in a short time. I really struggled with the time constraint. I couldn’t stop and ponder like I was used too. I fell behind so I started to listen to the audio recordings. I came away with such a new understanding. What stood out to me was the genealogy. I hadn’t paid attention to it previously. The wars are not between tribes but brother on brother, son against father. It made my personal range war real. This truly is a continuances of the war that has been raging on the Americas since the Lord brought some of the tribes of Israel over from the Tower of Babel and again later. They fought for land and power. They took power and inherited land from what they felt were the weaker part but the weaker part were not weak they were meek and humble and had the Lord on their side. It distanced me from taking what others are doing to me and made it not personal. There has always been those that fight for power and others that prevail. An insight and calm from following the prophet.

2018 has been a hard year but a good hard. It seems the waves that have pounded me for so long are now carrying me to shore. I have seen the workings of the Lord this year. His love for His children. 
My dreams this year have taught me that there maybe a few pumps but I am on the right path and soon my troubles will smooth. I have hit the pinnacle and it’s down hill from here.
Also to trust in the Lords timetable.  
One dream showed me that some are in too deep and now their hands are tied. They have gone past the point of no return. My heart ached for them.

My wish for resolve, is that those involved in the court cases will quit delaying the trial. If they truly believe they are standing on higher ground then let’s take it to the battle field. Quit delaying. The reason they fear going to trial is because they will have to make a choice. The choice being, run cattle alongside of the Bakers. The delays are a selfish scheme of self enrichment. They have the deeded land and grazing rights all to them self. 
The Judge sees through this elaborate scheme and is tiring of their antics. It won’t fair well in their favor if the judge forms a prejudice against them.

As for myself, I hope this year aids me in accomplishing many of my projects. That I may make up for lost time with those I dearly love. That I can have new and wondrous appreciation for the Lord and His gospel that doesn’t come from trials. That my toe stubbing trials may be absorbed more readily through faith and not taken personally.
May I be available to the Lord in whatever capacity He needs. And lastly that my earthly parents be blessed with witnessing the healing hearts of their children. And may this be the year I am permitted to stand before an earthly judge and find closure in his judgement.

As for the future of my children and their children I pray the Lord blesses each of you beyond measure. As we step closer and closer to our Lord and Saviors final return May He hold you safe from the calamities foretold of His second coming. 
May your hearts be filled with faith, hope, and charity. That we all may learn to treat family, friend, foe, and stranger with love and kindness. Seek for the good in each other. Learn that people do bad things, that people aren’t bad. Judge righteously but don’t pass judgement.

 And it came to pass that the angel spake unto me again, saying: Look! And I looked and beheld the Lamb of God, that he was taken by the people; yea, the Son of the everlasting God was judged of the world; and I saw and bear record.1 Nephi 11:32

I want to bear testimony that the Son Of God was judged of the world.That judgement did not define him. Nor as the world judges us, we should not let it define us. Self judgement should be used only as a source of self improvement and not self condemnation. 
Your earthly parents love each and everyone of you, and daily practice unconditional love. Your Heavenly Parents love you and have mastered unconditional love. Turn to your Savior and His Father daily, in thanksgiving and in need. Believe they will fill all your needs on their time table, in perfect timing to inspire more faith and appreciation.

Let this be the year, not just another year.