Thursday, September 9, 2010

Water Lesson Part 2

Drove to Cecil's mill around 7 am. On my way there I passed the proof that our plan is working. The plan is to get the cattle to graze south of the mill and leave the north alone. We moved the salt away from the drinker where it had been for years to a new place south of the mill. Remember yesterday I put out this yellow bucket? They have found it. Some may go out for coffee and other prefer salt.

Gained 2 inches over night. Decided that was good. With no cattle on it and all. Then drove out to the Big Mill. With hunting season open I wanted to check the gates and the grass with all the moisture we have gotten. Saw about 12 head of Antelopes. In the distance so no pictures. Then came upon the proof that Cody really did get a chain saw for his wedding.
These trees were known to add Arizona Pin striping to the sides of your trucks.

Gates and grass look all in order. Still early morning so maybe I aught to muck out the drinker at this mill. It was more dry than wet so the work went fairly fast. When I first started my dogs jumped in with me and rolled around on it. I didn't think much of it until I hit a wet spot. It did stink. No wonder they want it on them. Dogs love to stink.




Job done so I drove past Cecil's mill and noticed I had already lost my gain and it is still not near afternoon when they all would of drank. I decided to go ahead and run the generator. I have to leave and my dad will return so no need to put extra work on him.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just Checkin

Went today to check the water level at the mill. Down 8 inches but there is a breeze enough to pump water. Decided to leave it and check it later in the day. That way I can get a feel for how much the wind can put out and how much the cattle take in. I always have the generator to pump water.

Didn't see any salt. So when I went back out to check the level of the water it was down 2 more inches. That is okay cuz the cattle have all drank for the day. I brought out a block of salt. Did find the old salt and it was down about 2/3rds. Put it in a yellow bucket to keep it out of the dirt. Not an exciting day. Just a learning day.