Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Your Hand Is Caught In The Cookie Jar, Let Go

In my scripture reading today I came across this verse

Be wise in the days of your probation; strip yourselves of all uncleanness; ask not, that ye may consume it on your lusts, but ask with a firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but that ye will serve the true and living God.
Mormon 9:28

Ask not that ye may consume it on your lust.  The many prayers I asked the Lord to bless me in my endevors that I did not prepare for. The many times I needed to pass a test in school as I did a last minute glance at the study guide, the only time I looked at it since receiving it.

This is one of many examples. I truly prayed for that which I truly wanted but I truly spent my time true to something else.

When I read that verse, in my minds eye the vision was not of me and what I just confessed to you. That vision came after I asked if I too was guilty of this. Not in the same magnitude as my first vision but guilty as charged.

My first vision was my siblings and my business partners gathered independently in their quite spaces praying that the Judge may rule in their favor, that their lawyer may be prepare and blessed in the arguments that he needs to present that day.
I know for the last five years I have prayed that same exact prayer. Also that I will accept the out come without an out cry. I’m getting better on that last request but not perfect.

We are taught to pray unceasingly. There is a long list of scriptures but this one is short, sweet, and to the point.

Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:17

Do they pray for the hand of the Lord to bless them in this endeavor, or do they know seeking a blessing that uses force and fraud to take my inheritance from me further damns their souls.  Do they avoid such words to escape their lips? Is this a plan hatched in their desires that it falls in the category of lust, therefore is hidden from the Lord in their minds?

But behold, ye cannot hide your crimes from God; and except ye repent they will stand as a testimony against you at the last day.
Alma 39:8

Over the last five years I have experienced so many emotion but when I am able to corral them, control them, and contain the contaminated ones, the emotion left standing is how I wish we could of sat down and talked, prayed together, and found the error that has brought us this far.
I have asked time and time again. That we may find the power to forgive and right this wrong. Yet it goes on. To the point of great loss. Yes loss of worldly goods. But the soul is of the most important.

Time and time again I have asked that you forsake the greed and pride that rests in your hearts and repent. Become family once again.
When this started it was a small group of thieves but to keep it progressing so many that should of remained innocent but have also signed on the dotted line. How many more are you willing to sacrifice. And for what?

Like Nephi of old taught his older brothers of the errors of their way. I too ask that you seek what
motivates you in this crime. Turn from it. And let love fill the darkness once again.

I love you and only seek for your welfare.

Over the years I have considered and been told by others that I should just drop it, walk away. Taking the easy way or the path of least resistance is not doing what is right. It lets those with
unrighteous desire to continue in their path to damnation. The one that turns from the fight is left with the sin and soiled clothes that comes from not speaking out and calling others to repentance.

As this year closes and my great desire of meeting, be it before a judge or mediator once again closes, my heart does take comfort that by the mercy of the Lord I have seen most of you in person as we have crossed paths in simple ways. For the most part it has been catching glimpses of you while we were both shopping. It brought me great joy to see you looking good and healthy.

I ask once again for you to stop this nonesense. To follow in the steps of our righteous forbearers and let this gift of inheritance bring us together. To learn through hard work and care, that we are truly blessed and loved. That even as we have differences we don’t have to be indifferent to each other. As we are learning through church, as the later days come to a close, we should council in all things. We should draw our families around us, council together, and then with prayer and understanding, accomplish that that we have decided upon.

The Lord is hastening His return. The signs are all around us. With love I plead to repent and and set this right.

Your sister in blood and the gospel.

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