Thursday, July 9, 2015

New Beginning

I am addicted to Taco Bell. There are times as I drive through Miami and Globe I will pass by the greatest Mexican food in order to feed my dirty habit.

I like the Taco Bell at the junction of the 60 and 70. I prefer early morning to early afternoon. Oh the food is all the same. It's the cashier. She is short, a bit heavy, real plain faced, and if she doesn't have her teeth in she can talk a little like she has marbles in her mouth.
 Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

The first time I met her was just about two years ago. It was on a trip back up to the ranch. A particular hard week. No, not the bone tired of working a ranch hard, it was, I can't even remember what was said but it was a heart break, can't believe people can be so cruel week. Down in the dumps week.

As I looked over the menu, I don't know why, I always get the same ole thing. I hear "I can help the next customer". I step up and order. She repeats it back, then says "Has anyone told you today that you are appreciated?" "Well I appreciate you."
I smiled and said "That is just what I needed." She smiled.

As I waited for my food I thought that is a pretty good gimmick for a fast food chain. It made me like the service as much as the food.

I got out to my truck to finish the drive and I had a melt down. It really was what I needed. Gimmick or not.

It's not a gimmick. She has said it to me plenty of times. Today I heard it again while I was there. The man in front of me knew it was coming, and he said it to her before she could get it out. They both grinned.

After it was said to me I told her "I appreciate you appreciating me, we all do." She asked if she could tell me a couple of stories. Of course I shook my head to the affirmative.

"I have been saying I appreciate people for two years. I started when I moved here to Globe. A while back Joe who is a regular here stopped by. He said to me "Melanie you look tired this morning". She told him she was. It is because she has no car and she walks up the hill at five am every morning. Later that day he brought her a car, the title, forty five dollars to change the title to her name and ten bucks for gas. Joe owns a wrecking yard. The car needs a little work but she is happy.
Then there is another regular customer from Tucson. He is a dentist. He told her if she can make it to Tucson he would make her a set of dentures. Free of charge. He has. He also told her if she has any other dental needs to just drop by.
She told me she has been given a hundred dollar tip and 2 fifty dollar tips. She said "I always split it up with the help in the back because I don't work alone".

Believe me she is doesn't do it for the gifts she has been given. She is in it for the complete surprise and smiles she sees on our faces.

It has me thinking I want to say something up lifting. My own "gimmick". To brighten a day or lift a dark cloud.

I will have to think on it. But for now I want to appreciate.
Melanie, for lifting my cloud and brightening my day. For two years.
The Lord, for holding my hand as I sometimes tried to pull away.
Tom, for taking each burden or stone I removed from my life. Examining each one for better understanding. Then placing them in a path of sorts that can trodden down and conquered.
We learn in the temple. Satan has the power to bruise our heels but we can crush his head.
I have taken stones from inside and have walked upon them. They line the soil of my soul. They border my garden that now has room for trust to bloom, love to grow tall, and forgiveness to keep it fertilized.

I will find my perfect word or words to brighten another's day. But until then "can I buy a vowel?"

New Beginning


1 comment:

Jan Hackett said...

Made my day. Thanks for sharing a beautiful experience. Keep making the lemonade.