It has been a long time since I have opened up this old blog. I feel I should start of with
this goody.
Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left it seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
As I've entered a new discovery in my life my dreams have come back.
I’ve been very awake to the world and political corruption but huh, slow
on the religious uptake. But once my eyes were open I had no desire to look back.
And believe it or not an unquenchable desire to look forward.
No more wondering if that is the Lord speaking to me through others, the church leaders,
those that are set up to speak for Him. Naw, I just go directly to Him.
I’ve learned that there is a baptism of water, and a baptism of fire. That the New and
Everlasting Covenant isn’t what we were led it believe it was. And many more things missing
in the true gospel of our Lord and Savior.
I wake each day ready to learn not be taught. There is a difference, and it is wonderful.
Last night as I prayed I told my Father that I had apprehension about my baptism of fire. I
have a desire but that I felt I wasn’t ready to ask for it. I still didn’t feel I could trust myself to
live up to its wonderfulness.
We are all born with the Light of Christ. It comforts us, guides us, inspires us, answers us,
but it is not the Holy Ghost. We were taught that the Holy Ghost is confirmed on us when
we are baptized or we are led to believe it is. That is not how the Holy Spirit is received.
It is received through the baptism of fire. Something that is well written about in the
scriptures but not taught about any longer. Over and over again those that have their baptism
of fire are so changed that sin, large or small, seems to just go away. Oh they are far from
perfect but they have such a change of heart that the tendency or desire to sin is gone.
They have a constant companion that helps them. The Holy Ghost. Not the Light of Christ
which comes and goes as we need it
or call out for it.
I dreamed that Tom had gotten a job for us to pick corn. My sons and a nephew had done it
in the past and they spoke highly of it. I decided to commit to go with them this year.
The boys were fixing this large breakfast on a grill. It had steaks and chicken. Vast amounts.
But I thought it would be too heavy of a breakfast for me. We were assigned to only work from
7 am to 11 am. So I figured I didn’t need a large meal.
Well I went to go to the bathroom and my daughters were in there visiting. I went potty, flushed,
then went to wash my hands in the fresh water of the toilet bowl. One daughter cried out, “Here
is the sink, don’t you want to use that.”
I said "Of course." and went to the sink.
We work around two days on the corn field and on the third day we were told we would work
from 11am to 11pm. My heart fell. I just knew I couldn’t do it. All I could think about is how I go
to bed at 9 pm. How would I work two more hours. I just couldn’t. I told Tom, I can’t, I just can’t.
I quit before I tried.
As wrote this crazy thing down all the answers came to me about all its oddities.
My boys have always been ones to do what is asked of them. They don’t see problems, they
solve them. They are prepared come what may. If they believe in the cause they are all in.
Now for me, I willing to was my hands in the toilet bowl. To me it felt normal. It was clean water.
Just how it’s done.
My girls left the church many years ago. I remember one saying that the church doesn't
teach of Christ, rarely do they even read scriptures. They repeat what each other say. Rarely
backed up by the words of Christ.
I didn’t see it. But I do now. I was willing to just keep doing what we always did until I could
see there was a fresh source of water. Not just a cleaner source but new water, running fresh
water. One I could go to.
After writing my dream down and the interpretation I received, I moved onto my scriptures.
Helaman chapter 5.
Oh for heaven sakes. A wonderful chapter on how the call of repentance works even in the
most hardened of souls but it ended with people getting their baptism of fire.
And talk about turning from sin. This group had been killing others for their land and property
for many generations. That moment, that day they gave back the property to those that they
had taken it from. Right there and then.
My fear is I’ll never be as good as them. Some hurt I won’t let go. I quit before I try.
I think the double whammy of my dream and my scriptures is giving me the just try, kinda
wanna try.
The one true source of fresh water is Christ. Our Savior, our Lord, our Rod, the Word.
It was time for me to move away from the defiled. To stop doing what has always been done.
Following a man. Putting someone between me and my God. Learning the way by someone
who doesn’t know the Way.
What woke me up is I wanted a Prophet from the scriptures.
One that called for repentance,
one that warned of coming destruction or deception or doom.
One that was hated by the stiffnecked and stoned by the abominable.
Not one that was a good global citizen and expect us to be the same.
When 2020 came I thought Oh Hell. But now I see that it gave sight the blind and hearing
to the deaf. And I will be ever grateful to the Lord in all His mercy that sent us each into the
wilderness to find truth for ourselves.
The only way to Truth and Light is through the source that gives it. Freely. Not by someone
who sells it to you. The price of admission is your tithing.
No, the price of admission is a broken heart and contrite spirit.
My dreams are back. My dreams are back.
Amen, Amen, Amen!
Amen Babe!
Damn thing keeps saying anonymous and unknown
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