Friday, June 22, 2018

If Ye Love Me Keep My Commandments

A simple way to show our love for the Lord. To show respect. He gave us all if only we are willing to receive. To receive we must do as he asks.

In my Grandmother's Will there is a simple, humble plea. She has listed all she has to give to her children. There was no house or a large sum of money. She list 33 head of range cows, 2 bulls, 11 head of mixed saddle and stock horses. And all she asks;

She left a section plus and some grazing rights to other sections. At the end of her life she gave all she owned in this world and asked that they share. A simple plea. A simple way to show love and respect for her.

I have only tried to involve everyone. I offered multiple times to run a steer for each family. I romanticized the thought of us each running our own brand like our forefathers. I love the thought of sharing. I think I must of inherited that from my grandmother.

I don't know how long it took. I could go back on State and BLM leases to see what years it changed in the first generation, why some of her own children aquired the rights to grazing and some didn't. 
Were the grazing rights purchased or taken? I don't know. But they have been fraudulently taken from me and anyone else who still had them.  I am not saying this is how it was, I am saying this is how it is this generation.

I have not been quietly going down and that really upsets the family. I have been told not to discuss it while visiting with them. Yet they write me to say that others are calling them about what I wrote. Two things, why did they not tell the caller they don't want to be involved or tell the caller to call me?
Others have challenged what I wrote. And I welcomed it. Still they knew a lot about what is going on, all from the otherside. They asked no questions only took prisoners.
One other one told me she didn't want to hear anymore, then she added "We'll let the judge decide". That was long before anything was before a judge. Or I thought. That was the case where we got nothing from the court of the proceedings until they won default.

Tell me which is worse, if you have a dispute with someone and you have begged for a sit down to hear both sides but was denied so you just go ahead and tell your side in public because you know they are following you.
To talk behind someone's back while telling them you don't want to get involved. And then getting involved by listening to one side but not the other.

If I don't like something I turn it off. Plain and simple. All I have asked for was resolve. I don't believe burying things under the carpet gets you anything. It ends up like the generation above me, no grazing rights. I am going down kicking. Or coming out on top grazing. 
Turn the channel or contact me if your willing to listen because I am.

If you want to see what sharing is then here are two examples. I don't know the year or the author but the brands I do recognize.

What a wonderful heritage but the legacy is questionable.

Remember above all, I love each and every one of you. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Woman, where are those thine accusers?

In my dream I was going to a house, I went to look it over to decide if I wanted to purchase it.  It was an older home, with river rock walls.  As I got close to the front door, those that came with me (I never saw their faces, but I felt comfortable with them) kept saying "This is the right house".  Even as went inside it was repeated.  I did ask "Do you mean Right or Wright"?  There was no answer but still they said the same thing.  I did figure out they meant right.
I felt comfortable with the house.  I decided if I did stay I would move in and just change wall color here and there.  I would do it after I moved in to see if I really wanted any change.  I wasn't in love with any part of the house.  But it did feel I could become comfortable with it.

As I woke I didn't understand much of it.  I hoped it would mean I was going to get a house in New Mexico.  I thought it funny that I thought they were saying Wright house.
I didn't think much more of the dream.  I mentioned it to Tom but that was it.

Weeks later I had another dream, it also was a house with a river rock walls.  This time I went alone.  I also knew I had purchased it sight unseen.  As I opened the door I noticed that most of the kitchen cabinets were gone.  Walls were partially removed.  It was clean.  I loved it.  It had so many options for change. It felt like a challenge.  A good challenge not a dreaded one. I could finish removing the wall or put it back up.  All my choice.  I knew, me and this house was going to become old friends.

There was about one month between the two dreams. And now many more weeks have passed.  I have compared the two for a long time now.  I tried to write what was the same and then the differences. 
One day I felt impressed to research what a house in your dream means.  What I found, all agreed the house represents self. 
I told Tom I just can't see it.  It was too different houses.  The first house didn't need much work, none at all if you could accept what was already there. And people told me this is the right house.  Did they know this is what I needed?
The second house was the one I ended up with.  Even though I hadn't seen it before I purchased it.  The work inside seemed to be just what I wanted or needed even though that is not what I was shopping for.  I was slightly shocked when I opened the door but yet so receptive to it.  That is weird,  change for me is rarely welcomed.

As I started to look at these houses as self every thing started to fall in place.  A couple of times I sat down to write what I had learned but always came to a stop until more was revealed to me by some interaction that just happened in my life.  The dreams came and then the teaching moments followed.  This is the first time in over what feels like two months that I can get to the end of the explanation. The last part I couldn't understand was the "It's the right house".

The first house was one I had the choice to remain.  One where people didn't show their faces but would follow me and say "Its the right house".  A house that was comfortable but not really how I wanted it.  A few changes but still left with old influence of how it was previously.
I now know the price of the house would of been steep.  Always trying to please others is a costly move.

The second house was ready to become.  It had opportunity to live up to its full potential.  It had been torn down, humbled, and ready to rebuild, No more outside influence. 

Lately because of things I write about, people that don't show their faces have been contacting me to tell me what is right.  They have perspective from one side but not both. Just like at the first house, they hadn't even entered into my house, my self, to see what I see. They were telling what is right while outside and then again as they followed me around.
I think it is wonderful to want to help each other, don't get me wrong.  But to give advice without knowing the whole story is not advice it is an agenda.

To those faceless people who mock my dreams, calling them "imagined" , "pure fiction" and "borders on slander" , this is why you had no influence in my second house.  They are real, real dreams, warnings, and blessings. The others that are well versed in details from one side but not mine, if only you could be a face, someone that is open minded enough to want to know the whole truth to
For those who enjoy my dreams and walk with me as I learn and grow, thank you for your words of kindness.

I am so happy that I bought the second house.  I can't wait for the changes that are to come.  I once again thank the Lord in all His awesomeness that sends me dreams to help guide me through this growth.  He understands what I need long before I do.  He prepares me though my dreams.
To those that are willing to show their face, I am ever grateful you lend me an ear. I couldn't make these changes with out you. 
If there is one thing I will take away from this is you have to be more than family or friend to help people through tough decisions, you need to be a face, an ear.

May the Lord always be mindful of my needs, may He bless those around me that are willing to walk, teach, and love me.
May the hearts that bear malice be humbled and may the meek step forward in righteousness.