I have had dreams about him that have been over a two year span of time. In my first dream, Mobie came running into the Vernon house. All of us were disappointed to see him but not Tom. He wanted Mobie to know it was great to have him around and how Tom had really been devoted to my happiness.
The second dream was also simple, Mobie came in the house like he had never left and was very possessive of every thing.
My third dream was shocking to me. Mobie came in looking like he had just come from the groomers. His hair was so shiny and styled. He had that funny grin of his. All he did was show up and then he was gone again.
I had one last Mobie dream. This was my fourth in just over two years. The dreams are always short, in the early morning, and I can recall full details of them.
In this last one I was in the kitchen of the Power house, along with a lady in a white dress. I never saw her face but her presence felt like a compilation of several people. People that have not judged me, she felt like family.
Mobie came in the kitchen and he was panting hard. His hair was long, unkept and matted. His underside was caked in mud, along with grass and thorns tangled in the hair and mud.
Mobie was standing by me and I felt no need to clean him. He then tried to pull a piece of grass off his belly. It hurt him so bad that he looked up at me and his nose and his lips were such a dark blue they looked almost purple. The pain had taken his breath away.
I turned to the lady in white and said "I think he is dehydrated." I walked over to get the water bowl and noticed it was dry and dirty. I went to the sink and started to rinse it out. I kept dumping out the water because more filth kept breaking loose. The lady in white finally said "Don't worry about cleaning it, he is a dog."
I said "True, they drink from the gutter".
I put the bowl on the ground.
My dream was over and I woke.
I spent months trying to see if they tied together. They definitely had a strong impression on me, insomuch that I wrote each one down in my journal, but still they made no sense. In late August or first of September as I was meditating on them, a thought was impressed upon my mind. Mobie in my dreams represented my brother Steve. I remember literally saying out loud that the next time I have one I was going to pay close attention.
It is ironic that I never really liked Mobie, but I loved him as I do all animals. I treated him good. Tom always said I didn't like Mobie because we were twins in that we are both independent. But I saw Mobie as arrogant, possessive, and bossy.
When the meaning of my dreams was revealed to me all my dreams made perfect sense. In the first one when Mobie came in, Tom wanted Mobie to know that he had only had desires for my happiness. This dream was just as my dad was slowing down at the ranch and leaving more to the younger generation to step up too. Steve started in with small accusations of Tom trying to control me and take over the family ranch. Tom at the time had no desire to ranch but had full intentions of supporting me as I had for years previously in his businesses.
The second one was just after my parents passed and Steve had full power over their financials and my parents Trust, and he was very possessive.
My third dream was Mobie came in looking very dapper. Like I had just taken him to Petsmart and paid for the "Top Dog" grooming package. This was just a few months after my partners had come on my personal property and took all the ranch equipment from my yard and moved all the money in our partnership account.
The fourth was when I felt Tom and I might have a leg to stand on getting resolve on the many extended family disputes. Mobie was not in the best position, kind of miserable. I had always hoped it was from family maybe asking about what was happening and maybe it had pricked his conscious. But the white dress leaves me to believe it is those who have passed on are unhappy with him.
It has been many, many, months of no more dreams of Mobie/Steve. I feel and even hope that the last dream was the closure I needed. Like I said, once I learned how to read these dreams I have felt blessed to know the Lord knows us personally. Knows what each of us need for comfort, for reassurance that our prays are heard, even though they are not resolved they way or as speedily as we hope.
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