One day out of the blue the thought came to me "Uncle". I had had enough, I wanted to cry Uncle. I looked up and told the Lord "Uncle".
For the longest time anytime we worked our cattle, which means pushing them through "their's" to get to the ranch, then they would call the sheriff to report us for cattle rustling. They didn't gain anything from it. It ate ten minutes of our day. Just gets old.
Then they got a false judgement that stated we weren't allowed on a state section. A county judge can't take a state right away from a state leasee. But judges from my view only know power and not the laws or constitution. So now the cattle rustling accusations have faded to the back ground and the trespassing accusations have ensued.
They set a trap to lure us onto said section. Jesse went to gather personal belongings on that section. A deputy was dispatched. But no citation given. Jesse was threatened with arrest. So badly he wanted to be. It would force this boil to a head and we could push against this contention and release the puss. But Jesse was sent on his way.
Then Tom was on the section and a deputy was dispatched. Tom was cited for trespassing. Yes, we have a day set in front of a judge.
We have been trying to fight against all this corruption but it takes a lot of paper filing, motions, waiting periods. But if you get cited it gets to a judge in less than thirty days.
Thank you Anthony for being a diligent snitch and thank you Cody for having the Apache County sheriff on speed dial and big thanks to Chris in the ranch truck always following us in the distance.
Well before this blessed day could arrive the false trespassing order put on by a judge in Apache County was answered by the State Attorney General.
It was all bologna. The top has spoken. The county can not take the right of a State Lessee away. Like our lawyer said, it is like you renting a house to someone but never giving them the keys. We still have to meet in front of a judge to get the county schooled.
My cry for Uncle was answered. We spent three days on the sacred section and not once got a call for trespassing. They got their letter in the mail. Blessed day.
But they have moved back to cattle rustling. Now to get the sheriff deptment to refer all these calls to the proper authorities. The state cattle inspectors. That will put egg on the face of those who call in false reports. But of course they know that, that is why they report it to the wrong agency. Think I will gather all the false reports and take them to the State myself.
I have learned it is better to cry Uncle to the right authority than wolf to the wrong one.