The week before Christmas I was making my rounds at the ranch, drove out to Jeannies Mill and noticed it wasn't working. Called my dad and he called the well man. Then went over to Cecils mill. Noticed two stray dogs running around a cow carcass that has been there since about July of this year. One ran off and the other Leary hung around. Dogs are a bad thing, they will kill just for fun. So when I got home I asked Tom to teach me how to shoot.
We went to the desert Christmas evening, along with the family. I learned to shoot a gun and we roasted hot dogs on the fire. The babies ran around and had a good time with the flash lights that were in their stockings and Grandpa and Grandma's house.
Next day hear from Cody that he is at the ranch and he went over to check out the cow carcass. He found two black puppies in it. I was so happy for them. But I was mad at my self, I had a strong feeling to go there but I wrote it off. Did some back peddling though. Set as one of my new years goals to act on more of those feelings.
Today I get a call from Tom that some guys are waiting out by the ranch turn off, they want to see the guard rail that we posted on craigslist. I met them there and then decide I might as well take a look at the cattle, gates and water. Drive out to Jeanies. All is fine. Let my dogs out to work a few head, load up and head for Cecils. I heard that the dogs were still out there and wanted to see now that the pups were gone if they had taken off. I see the cow, I have a feeling and as I drive up I see a shadow move. Oh joy another pup.
This cow sure can produce.