Sunday, August 2, 2015

Innocent Until Proven Guilty

As I sit here this Sabbath morning and ponder my life I want to let everyone know that I love my saviour Jesus Christ and am grateful for his blessing and love for me. Through him I have had the strength to endure the trials of my life.
As I pondered my latest trials I was reminded of the information I was given when I left jail. I was given all sorts of restrictions and limitations that govern my life daily in the name of "victims rights".
One thing our system has forgotten to address are the rights of the accused. Mind you I have not been convicted. Due process requires that a trial of my peers be performed first and then I will be punished by the government, according to my convictions.
I guess a lot of people didn't get the memo.
Since the day shit hit the fan I have been violated in so many ways and buy so many people. The really sad thing about it is that ALL the people that have attacked me are family members. The closer they are in my family circle the more vicious they have been.
I have been told I'm a liar multiple times. When the accusers are asked what the lie was their faces become contorted and they say, "oh you know, don't deny it!"
Just this week I have been served with another restraining order from a nephew's wife whom I haven't seen for over three years. All based on lies.
I have been warned and threatened if I attend a family reunion.
Texts have been sent wanting to know "where is Tom?! My kids are afraid" or "Tom was seen in Globe and he's headed your way!" As I sat at my desk.
I can't go to my own Ward for church because of gossiping family and Ward members. Its a sad day when your Bishop tells you that there has been "a lot of gossiping" concerning me.
I have had personal belongings that were given to me by my father that were in the care of a family member given away without any knowledge or permission.
I have been questioned as to wether I have equipment in my possession that don't belong to me.
I have been accused of child abuse by an abuser.
I have been treated worse by family than a family member who is a twice convicted rapist and will be allowed to move on to the ranch.
Multiple family members have advised my wife to divorce me when she was never threatened or abused by me.
My wife and I were kicked off the ranch by family members. These same family members asked my wife to come back thinking I was now out of the picture.
I've been defriended on Facebook by family and friends with out knowledge of my side of what happened and have had to defriend people because of their blatant nastiness.
I've had the police called out to where I'm living because people couldn't get hold of Ginny.
The most heart breaking thing is that ALL the people involved have made covenants to the Lord at the time of baptism and majority have taken an oath of priesthood and made covenants in the temple.
I hold no malice towards none and am looking forward to the day that we can participate together in a prayer circle inside The House of the Lord.
I'm not seeking sympathy as those that hate me the most assume. Just pointing out the fact that there is no rights for the accused.

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