Last October the boy's and I with some of there freinds went to Oak Flats just above Superior to camp out and do some four wheeling. I had told the boys about a job that Dad and I had done in that aera for a rancher in this little valley covered with bermuda grass and a wind mill right in the middle. But to get there you had to go down some wicked switch backs and back up them to get out. We burned up a clutch trying to get of that place it was so bad.
We left camp and we found that valley. It was the same as what i remembered but the road that dropped down in was not the same one i used years before. some one built another way in and it was nothing as rough as the old way. When we got to the bottom i found the old road. Man was it grown over and washed out. As I showed it to the boys they could not belive that i took a two ton service truck up that road with an engine from the machine we were working on in the back.
Well we went on our way but the whole time i kept think of that road and how i wanted to try it! I kept telling myself "You're nuts if you try that"! Well guess What! Yes "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING"!!!!!!!